Magna Carta Through Song

Magna Carta Through Song: Matt's Diary
Throughout this project, Matt will be collecting photos, videos and recordings of our performances. Click on the links below to follow our progress:
Winter 2015: Press coverage following our summer events
Saturday 28th August: Egham Royal Show, Caddey's field, Egham
Sunday 26th July: Freedom of Expression @ Ambition Fest, Wandle Park, Croydon
Saturday 25th July: The History of Everything, South Hill Park, Bracknell
Sunday 21st June: Readifolk, RISC, Reading
Thursday 18th June: Performance and workshop at Long Sutton Primary School
Saturday 13th June 2015: Egham Magna Carta Day
Sunday 7th June 2015: Runnymede Picnic
Friday 5th June 2015: Performance and workshops at the United Church of Egham
Monday 25th May 2015: Odiham Magna Carta celebrations
Thursday 21st May 2015: Performance and workshop at Mayhill Junior School, Odiham
Tuesday 12th May 2015: Museum Showoff event at The Slaughtered Lamb, London
Friday 24th April 2015: Documentary recording at Odiham
Thursday 9th April 2015: Live session and interview on Ridge Radio
Sunday 5th April 2015: Live session and interview on Croydon Radio
Tuesday 26th February: St Martin's C of E Aided Infant School, Epsom